World History Flashcards

Tags: History, Humanities & Social Studies, World History

Ready to have fun while studying World History? Access thousands of our World History flashcards online or on the mobile app.

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About World History on Brainscape

What is World History?

Where did the human race come from and how did the early communities function? How did our ancestors survive without robot cleaners and various mobile apps? Well, around thousands of years ago, humans went from hunting boars and seeking caves to building airplanes and creating improbabilities such as cellphones and laptops and the internet. Our world’s history is, in fact, an extraordinary journey, with triumph and tragedy along its course, as well as revolutions and globalizations.

World History is an area of study that examines the past in the form of a global perspective. It is distinct from other history courses as it has a broader scope. World historians analyze interconnections between nations and civilizations. They examine zones of interaction such as trading, migration, conquest, and developments.

The benefits of studying world history may be less tangible than other fields of study, but it should be studied because it is essential to individuals and humanity. It helps us understand societies and their people; it serves as a terrain for moral understanding or contemplation, it provides identity through nationalism and serves as a ground of citizenship.

Students with a degree in World History can get a job as historians, biographers, educators, historical site guides, museum curators/educators, state librarians, conservation manager, artifact restorers, tour managers, researchers, and writers.

Learning World History

Each subject necessitates specific study skills, methods, and resources. Historians say that

rote memorization is important in studying World History because there are several names, places, and events that defines the past.

On the other hand, some situations need a more individualized style of learning. Nowadays, many educators believe that project-based learning and the use of study tools such as online videos, and flashcards app are more effective at learning new concepts than rote memorization.

Brainscape is a near-perfect tool for this goal.

In Brainscape, you’ll find thousands of classes, decks, and study cards for World History – beginning with the Brainscape Certified Classes below on AP World History, World Geography, World History 101, and World History 102. These include classes authored by top experts at our partner organizations helping students pass AP Exams and learn lots on World History!

You can also find cards created by students, experts, professors, and users all over the world. From pre-history, early religion, reformation, to enlightenment and all things war, we have it all covered!

To top it all, one of the greatest that Brainscape offers is that you can create your own set of flashcards and study them on your phone.

Learn Faster in Brainscape

Brainscape helps in simplifying the learning process. The platform boasts of its unique application of cognitive science called Confidence-Based Repetition (CBR). The CBR technique makes use of learning processes called Active Recall, Metacognition, and Spaced Repetition. These learning principles aids in enhancing connections between neurons and memory trace.

So, start studying with Brainscape today!