Urology Flashcards

Tags: Medical & Nursing, Medical Subspecialties, Urology

Want to ace your Urology exam? Use our flashcards and quizzes to learn more about the branch of surgery involving the genitourinary tract.

Top Urology Flashcards Ranked by Quality

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  • Urology
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  • Urology
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  • Urology
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About Urology on Brainscape

What is Urology?

Urology is the branch of medicine and physiology that deals with the function and disorders of the urinary system in both males and females.

Urologists diagnose and treat this group of disorders and diseases and disorders include those involving the urethra, the ureters, the bladder,  the adrenal glands the bladder and the kidneys. A urologist is also the equivalent of a male gynecologist, in that, they also treat conditions of the male reproductive system including the penis, vas deferens, epididymis, prostate, seminal vesicles, and testes.

Consequently, this branch of medicine encompasses the management and treatment of conditions such as urinary tract infection, prostate management, kidney stones, stress incontinence, bladder cancer, and prostate cancer.  

Many conditions that a urologist treats may overlap with other branches of medicine. In the case of adrenal glands and the kidney, endocrinologists may be involved and in the case of the female reproductive system a gynecologist may become involved. In the case of cancer, radiologists and oncologists as well as surgeons may also make up part of a primary care team.  

Careers in Urology

Urologists study for thirteen years before becoming qualified. First, you’ll need to take a three-year pre-med or science course or a course that has biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus modules. Then pass the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) and get into med school. After successfully completing four years of med school, urologists need to take a three-year program in internal medicine before following with a three-year fellowship.

If you’d like to become a urology nurse you’ll need to complete a four-year nursing degree and successfully complete the NCLEX exam to become an RGN. You should then complete Master’s of Science (MSN).

The demand for urologists and urology nurses remains high linked to the aging population and the prevalence of conditions such as prostate cancer, prostate problems and bladder issues generally in later life.

Urologists are high earning doctors they rated as the ninth highest paid doctors in a Medscape Compensation Report 2018 of 29 specialties. If you think you have what it takes to enter urology then take a little time to visit the American Urological Association or The Kidney and Urology Foundation of America. Why not take a few moments to watch this quick video from the Crash Course team all about the urinary system?

Learning Urology

Studying to become an urologist or a urology nurse isn’t easy. Not only is there a huge amount of medical and scientific knowledge to commit to memory but finding the time seems impossible in between rotations.

Brainscape is the effective learning tool that can significantly boost your learning. Brainscape will allow you to build on key foundational medical knowledge whilst you focus on delivering excellence in clinical practice.

Urology in Brainscape

There are thousands of flashcards dedicated to urology in Brainscape, all prepared by top students and professors. Just as in practice urology coincides with other branches of medicine and you may find other Brainscape pages during your studies such as physiology, pharmacology, pathology, endocrinology, histology, nephrology, oncology, surgery, and microbiology.

If you need to improve your scores to get into nursing college or grad school then take a look at the AP Biology and AP Chemistry study guides in Brainscape.  If you need to ace your MCAT test to get into med school then check out our MCAT study guide.  We’ve partnered with Next Step Text Preparation and hired the best tutors to create over 2600 flashcards based on past exam questions.

Alternatively, you can write your own notecards from your own coursework and create your own individual learning catalog, to access from your laptop or phone whenever you like. You can keep your flashcards private or share them with the Brainscape community.  

Learn faster with Brainscape

Brainscape’s revolutionary learning system known as Confidence-Based Repetition or CBR allows students to learn twice as fast and remember longer.

Doctors and nurses across America attribute their taking control over their studies with the help of Brainscape as being the difference between success and failure.  

It really is the ability for learners to study effectively that’s working for not just medical students. The Brainscape system is a hybrid of three proven learning methods: spaced repetition, active recall, and metacognition.  

The CBR system is delivered to the user in a high-quality effortless user-friendly flashcard format. The flashcard format is a perfect example of spaced repetition in action, the learner is shown bite-sized pieces of information at intervals which is proven to be effective in retaining information.

CBR also uses active recall which is the process of retrieving information. In Brainscape you’ll be working hard to retrieve answers in no set pattern. When you do so the neural pathways are strengthened and the memory trace is too. Next time you need that information, the information should be easy to retrieve.

The final part of the CBR super-charged learning engine is the use of the individual learner’s metacognitive response to power the algorithm.  Only Brainscape incorporates this key element in the optimal learning technique.

Uniquely in Brainscape you’ll be asked to record a rating from 1-5 which represents your understanding of that flashcard question. The algorithm will now set the frequency of that flashcard according to your response. The flashcards with the lowest scores will be repeated frequently until you record higher ratings. Flashcard that you rate as a “5” will only be shown to recap allowing you the time to focus on your weak areas. This technique allows you to learn optimally unlike traditional learning and other computer-aided learning tools.

When time is absolutely key Brainscape is proving to be the solution for thousands of medical students. To try it out today, read on.

How to get started

Getting started with Brainscape is easy. Simply browse the decks below and you’ll see topics from Renal Physiology, Prostate Disorders, Urolithiasis, Glomerulonephritis, UTI Microbiology, and Haematuria, so just click on a deck and get started today, it’s FREE!

If you’d like to make Brainscape flashcards with your own coursework it’s free and easy, too. Just click “make flashcards” at the top of the page to get started now. Writing the flashcards improves your memory trace further and it’s up to you if you share your flashcards or keep your own learning resource for personal use.

Brainscape is making the difference for thousands of medical students across America and further afield. The Brainscape team wishes you the very best in your Urology studies and career.