Series 63 Exam Prep

Use the world's smartest Series 63 flashcards to supplement official publications and other services.

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Ace the Series 63 exam with Brainscape.

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The Series 63 is a regulatory exam that tests candidates’ understanding of the Uniform Securities Act (USA) and the North American Securities Administration Association’s (NASAA) Statements of Policy and Model Rules. The best way to master all of this state securities law content? Brainscape’s adaptive, digital flashcards!

The Series 63 is a tricky beast. Unlike the Series 7 and Series 79 exams, which candidates will also most likely be taking, this exam is 100% rules-based. So, no matter how smart you are and no matter how savvy your financial and securities industry knowledge, if you don’t have the rules, exceptions, and applications memorized back-to-front you simply won’t pass the exam.

What you need is a study tool that distills all the Series 63 content down into its composite bite-sized concepts, which you can then drill practice until you know them fluently. And this is exactly what Brainscape offers!

Together with financial industry leaders, Knopman Marks, we’ve created a collection of 150 flashcards, which cover all the rules and their exceptions and applications (In other words: everything you need to know to ace the exam!)

These flashcards are neatly arranged into four decks, each of which accounts for an essential component of the Series 63 content:

  • Deck 1: USA, Broker-Dealers & Agents
  • Deck 2: Security Registration
  • Deck 3: Investment Advisers
  • Deck 4: Ethical Practices

Armed with the facts, which you can efficiently, seamlessly, and conveniently drill with Brainscape’s premade flashcards, you’ll have the in-depth content knowledge you need to do extremely well on the Series 63; which, although shorter than other regulatory exams, is NOT to be underestimated!

Remember: the exam questions are purposefully designed to be long and rather tricky to decode, so it is essential that you deeply understand these concepts and their nuances. And the best possible supplementary tool for the job is Brainscape’s flashcards.

Brainscape helps you learn faster and remember for longer

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of Series 63 content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

With Brainscape’s Series 63 prep course, you get:

  • Expert content provided by Knopman Marks covering all essential components of the Series 63 exam.
  • Over 150 flashcards divided into 4 decks.
  • Ongoing feedback, statistics, and visualization tools to help you track your progress.
  • A carefully tailored curriculum that builds on previous concepts and guides you from definition to legal analysis.
  • In-sync studying across Brainscape’s website and all your iOS and Android devices.

Now go crush the Series 63 exam!

Brainscape is not sponsored or endorsed by official publications, tools, or services connected to FINRA®.

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Study hundreds of the concepts most likely to appear on the exam, FOR FREE. Want the complete collection of Series 63 flashcards? Unlock it all for the price of a Starbucks latte.

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Brainscape's adaptive, web & mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

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