Royal College: Emergency Medicine

Over 1700 efficient flashcards to supplement official RCEM resources and other services.

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The most efficient way to learn RCEM.

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Meet the best content review for the Royal College exam preparation. You’ll save precious study time by using reliable pre-made digital flashcards that cover the full breadth of the RCEM content required to do well in the exam.

Delivered via Brainscape’s adaptive learning platform for web and mobile, you can study more efficiently and conveniently than ever, and trust that everything you need to know is contained within the decks of this expert-curated collection of over 1,700 smart flashcards.

About the content in the RCEM exam prep

Brainscape’s Royal College Emergency Medicine Exam prep course was developed by Scott Odorizzi and Dan Beamish: staff emergency physicians and lecturers at the University of Ottawa. Written in strict accordance with Rosen's Emergency Medicine (9th Edition) and the curriculum assessed by the written portion of the Royal College (Canada) specialty examination in Emergency Medicine, these 1,700+ engaging, digital flashcards are arranged into topical decks that allow for seamless, efficient studying.

With the exception of current literature and clinical epidemiology, this is a comprehensive study tool that will prepare you to be successful in the certification examination in Emergency Medicine administered by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. And since the medical knowledge in Emergency Medicine doesn’t change by country, you could also use Brainscape’s flashcards to study for the Qualifying Exam administered by the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM)!

Brainscape helps you learn faster and remember for longer

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of Emergency Medicine content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

With Brainscape’s Royal College: Emergency Medicine Exam prep course, you get:

  • Over 1,700 flashcards with comprehensive coverage of emergency medicine using Rosen's Emergency Medicine (9th Edition) as the framework.
  • A carefully tailored course that separates content by subject area so you can master one area at a time. ECGs and X-ray images for visual learners.
  • Ongoing feedback, statistics, and visualization tools to help you track your progress.
  • In-sync studying across Brainscape’s website and all your iOS and Android devices.

All the best with your studies!

Brainscape is not sponsored or endorsed by official publications, tools or services connected to the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM).

Decks in this class (25)

Head & Neck
This deck covers Chapters 60-62 in Rosens, compromising all of Dentistry, ENT, and Ophthalmology.
71  cards
Respiratory System
This deck covers Chapters 63-67 in Rosens, compromising all of respirology.
39  cards
Cardiac System
This deck covers Chapters 68-74 in Rosens, compromising all of cardiology.
108  cards
Vascular System
This deck covers Chapters 75-78 in Rosens, compromising all of vascular medicine.
30  cards
Gastrointestinal System
This deck covers Chapters 79-86 in Rosens, compromising all of gastroenterology.
80  cards
GU & Gyne System
This deck covers Chapters 87-90 in Rosens, compromising all of urology and gynecology.
53  cards
This deck covers Chapters 91-99 in Rosens, compromising all of neurology.
101  cards
This deck covers Chapters 100-105 in Rosens, compromising all of psychiatry.
21  cards
Immunology & Inflammatory & Dermatology
This deck covers Chapters 106-110 in Rosens, compromising all of rheumatology, dermatology, and immunology.
62  cards
Hematology & Oncology
This deck covers Chapters 111-115 in Rosens, compromising all of hematology and oncology.
59  cards
Metabolism & Endocrine
This deck covers Chapters 116-120 in Rosens, compromising all of endocrinology, electrolyte disturbances, and acid-base physiology.
84  cards
Infectious Disease
This deck covers Chapters 121-130 in Rosens, compromising all of infectious disease.
96  cards
This deck covers Chapters 131-138 in Rosens, compromising all of environmental medicine.
58  cards
This deck covers Chapters 42-51 in Rosens, compromising all of orthopedics and plastic surgery.
109  cards
This deck covers Chapters 139-159 in Rosens, compromising all of toxicology.
112  cards
This deck covers Chapters 160-177 in Rosens, compromising all of pediatrics.
142  cards
Special Populations
This deck covers Chapters 183-189 in Rosens, compromising geriatrics, transplant & immunocompromised patients, and combative patients.
30  cards
This deck covers Chapters 190-193 in Rosens, compromising all of EMS.
57  cards
Soft Tissue
This deck covers Chapters 52-57 in Rosens, compromising all of burns, wounds, bites, envenomations, and foreign bodies.
30  cards
This deck covers Chapters 33-41 in Rosens, compromising all of trauma.
103  cards
This deck covers Chapters 1-8 in Rosens, compromising all of resuscitation.
85  cards
Cardinal Presentations
This deck covers Chapters 9-32 in Rosens, compromising all of the cardinal presentations.
104  cards
This deck covers Chapters 178-182 in Rosens, compromising all of obstetrics.
52  cards
Abuse/Partner Violence/Forensic
This deck covers Chapters 58-59 in Rosens, compromising all of sexual assault, IPV, and forensics.
25  cards
Ethics/Practice of EM/Medical Legal
This deck covers the relevant legal and ethical principles and laws relevant to the practice of emergency medicine.
43  cards

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