Study Physiology 101

Tags: Medical & Nursing, Physiology, Physiology - General

Got a Physiology test coming up? Don't worry, we've got you covered with online flashcards. Study any time, anywhere!

Top Physiology Flashcards Ranked by Quality

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  • Physiology
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  • Physiology
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  • Anatomy & Physiology
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  • Anatomy and Physiology I
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  • Systems Physiology
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  • Physiology
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  • Anatomy and Physiology Test #1
    Anatomy and Physiology Test #1
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  • Medical Physiology
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  • A. White- Human Physiology
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  • VMP814 Physiology/Microanatomy 1
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  • ► Med - Anatomy & Physiology
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  • Honors Anatomy & Physiology
    Honors Anatomy & Physiology
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  • Physiology
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  • Human Physiology 1
    Human Physiology 1
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  • Human Anatomy and Physiology
    Human Anatomy and Physiology
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  • Physiology for Pharmacy
    Physiology for Pharmacy
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  • SGUL - Physiology 1
    SGUL - Physiology 1
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  • Physiology & Pathology
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  • eMRCS questions
    eMRCS questions
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  • KIN 132 - Systems Physiology II
    KIN 132 - Systems Physiology II
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  • Anatomy and Physiology I
    Anatomy and Physiology I
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  • Physio Psych
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  • Physiology (MPP 3202)
    Physiology (MPP 3202)
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  • Human Physiology - PNUR1143 -22S - Sec 1
    Human Physiology - PNUR1143 -22S - Sec 1
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  • Respiratory System & CVS Physiology Year 1
    Respiratory System & CVS Physiology Year 1
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About Physiology on Brainscape

What is Physiology?

The branch of biology which focuses on the function of organs and organ systems within organisms is known as physiology. This extensive discipline is further divided into sub-disciplines, which also overlaps with biochemistry and molecular biology.

Physiology is a core element of academic study and consequently, a huge number of students studying a wide range of higher education courses will find themselves studying this subject.

Careers in Physiology

Literally, hundreds of careers involve studying physiology from nurses and pharmaceutical sales representatives to veterinarians and neurologists.

Examples of jobs directly related to physiology include:


Biomedical scientist

Exercise physiologist

Healthcare scientist

Clinical research associate

Research scientist (medical)


Physiologists often work in research facilities applying their knowledge to developing our understanding and subsequent treatment of diseases, for example. Nobel prizes in the field of Physiology and Medicine over recent years have been awarded for discoveries and advances in the study of immunity, cancer, malaria, in-vitro fertilization, and embryonic stem cells research.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in physiology then you might find the links below helpful as a starting point:

Learning Physiology

You may find that learning the principles of physiology are easy. However some people find many conceptual aspects of physiology difficult to grasp and scientific terminology exceptionally tiresome to commit to memory.  There is no getting away from the fact that physiology is a tough subject to get to grips with which requires learners to memorize a large volume of information covering both advanced chemistry and biology.

Brainscape can help all kinds of students studying physiology, whether you are a future physiologist destined for a Nobel Prize or whether you just need a helping hand to negotiate your Nursing degree successfully.

Brainscape will help you get to grips with foundational concepts and remember complex terminology involved in physiology that previously had you floundering.

Physiology in Brainscape

Head to the physiology search results below and choose from thousands of flashcards prepared by top academic experts as well as like-minded students. Brainscape also has MCAT premium course content available produced in partnership with top MCAT experts.

At Brainscape we know that learning is individual and that's why you can also use Brainscape’s software to create your own flashcards for free. Every time you write a flashcard you will also be strengthening your learning. You can keep your flashcards private or share them with other Brainscape learners.

Learn faster with Brainscape

Brainscape implements a unique version of spaced repetition which we call confidence-based repetition (CBR). CBR is revolutionizing learning and allowing users to learn twice as fast and remember for longer.

How does it work? Brainscape uses a confidence-based algorithm to calculate the correct frequency to show the flashcards for optimal learning. Put simply, every time you answer a flash card you also record the confidence of your answer on a scale from 1 to 5. The algorithm then uses your confidence to gauge how often to repeat the flashcard.

For example, let’s say you were asked, “ What is the Michaelis constant?” If you were able to give a complex answer and understood the subject well you would record a “5”.  And as a result, the algorithm won’t show you that flashcard for some time and will repeat other flashcards that you are still trying to drum in to your head.  

Brainscape allows you to create a personalized and interactive learning stream customized to your learning requirements and abilities. The Brainscape system incorporates three critical mental processes that are key in effective memory building:  active recall, metacognition and spaced repetition

Active recall is the process of recalling a piece of information rather than recognizing it. Retrieving a piece of information strengthens the neuronal connections in the brain allowing for improved application in the real world.

The actual process of metacognition, i.e., the assessment of your own understanding of the subject matter, also deepens the memory trace as well as driving Brainscape’s frequency algorithm for effective learning.

Spaced repetition is a proven method of strengthening your knowledge base and remembering information.

Brainscape has been recognized globally for the unique implementation of all three of these techniques to computer-assisted learning. Brainscape is the learning tool that you can’t do without!

How to get started

So what's the best way to get started using Brainscape flashcards? You can use Brainscape to make your own flashcards and you can also benefit from the thousands of flashcards that contributors have already created.

You can choose from a huge selection of classes and decks so select a set of flashcards which are suitable for your learning level as well as the course material you wish to study. You might find that a particular contributor has a learning style that is in sync with yours perfectly.

So click around this page to check out the best physiology-related classes we've found in Brainscape!

Brainscape is passionate about learning and wishes you the very best in your studies!