Multiplication Tables

The world’s best study app to help you learn your multiplication tables FAST

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The easiest way to learn your multiplication tables.

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If you’re looking for the fastest, most painless way to commit your multiplication tables to memory or to help your kids or students do the same, then these flashcards are 100% the answer! angels singing

Math sucks… because it’s hard. But something amazing happens when you actually understand math: it stops sucking, and kinda becomes fun. And the stepping stones on the journey to being awesome at math are memorizing your multiplication tables.

Flashcards for learning your multiplication tables

Brainscape’s flashcards are optimized to empower students of all ages to learn as fast as humanly possible, which means that while the other kids in your class are putt-putting along through their multiplication tables, you’ll have the high-octane fuel you need to rocket right past them. Your teachers will love you, your parents will be impressed, and your classmates will want to know what secret sauce you’ve got stashed in your lunchbox!

From 1 through 13, Brainscape has laid out all the multiplication tables you need to learn and memorize for school. We then added multiplication tables for 14 through 25 for those of you who are motivated to improve your dexterity with numbers; maybe because you aspire to study mechanical engineering and work for NASA one day, or become the next big personal finance guru who starts a podcast and tells everybody how to manage their money better.

How to curate your study experience with Brainscape’s multiplication tables flashcards

Cool, so now that you have the ultimate study tool to learn your multiplication tables faster than your mates can hoover down a party pack of cheese Doritos, here’s an important tip for using them in school if you’re a student, or with your kids if you’re a parent or teacher…

Once you’ve signed up for Brainscape, added our Multiplication Tables flashcards to your dashboard, and clicked on the class, you’ll see all the decks laid out in front of you. If you only want to drill yourself on the multiplication tables of 1 through 12—as is required by the standard school curriculum—simply check the circles to the left-hand side of the decks from 1 through 12. Anything you haven’t checked won’t be included when you hit the big ‘study button’.

You could even go further by unchecking the decks for the multiplication tables of 1 and 10 because those might be a little too easy at your level.

Alternatively, if you’re the parent of a young kid, you might only check decks 1, 2, and 3 because anything higher than 4 is above their current skill level. But, as your kid progresses, you can add higher and higher multiplication tables and drop out the lower ones.

Do you see how customizable this study experience is? So make sure you select which decks you want to study and Brainscape will drill you on those multiplication tables until you have them drilled deeply in your noodle.

Mix it up with random study mode

If you’re bored of moving progressively through your multiplication tables then, at the top of your class dashboard (right above the very first deck), change the setting to “random” mode. This’ll spit a random mix of flashcards at you from all across the multiplication tables you want to memorize.

I’ll let you in on a little secret: studying this way may seem harder because it’s compelling your brain to jump around a lot, but it is by far the fastest way to deeply know and remember your multiplication tables. That’s why we’d encourage you to switch to “random” mode as soon as you’re able.

Finally, don’t forget the following key tips for getting the most out of Brainscape:

1. Be stingy with the 5’s Every time you rate your confidence in a flashcard, you tell the little gremlins that run Brainscape how frequently to show you that card again. The higher you rate a card on that scale of 1 to 5, the longer it’ll be until you’ll see it again. This is how the app drills you on your weaknesses, while saving you time on the multiplication sums you’re totally confident in. Just make sure that you only rate a card a ‘5’ when you are 100% sure you’ll never, ever forget it again.

2. Study a little bit every day Using whatever spare 5 or 10 minutes you have throughout your day to work through your multiplication table flashcards will be key to making quick progress. So, whenever you have a bit of time between classes, on the bus, or while waiting for a friend, take out Brainscape and fire off a quick 10-flashcard study round! Even just 5 minutes a day will get you to mastery so much quicker than your friends who sit around and try to memorize a piece of paper.

3. Try with Brainscape's 'Smart Study' feature Pepper your multiplication table flashcards into your existing study mix, which you can configure with Brainscape’s mobile ‘Smart Study’. So, for example, in between your geography or history flashcards, you’ll get a question that tests you on a multiplication sum. Jumping back-and-forth between subjects is a study tactic called interleaving and it’s proven to promote strong, fast, and efficient learning.

Decks in this class (25)

Multiplication Table of 1
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 2
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 3
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 4
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 5
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 6
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 7
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 8
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 9
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 10
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 11
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 12
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 13
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13  cards
Multiplication Table of 14
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14  cards
Multiplication Table of 15
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
15  cards
Multiplication Table of 16
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16  cards
Multiplication Table of 17
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17  cards
Multiplication Table of 18
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
18  cards
Multiplication Table of 19
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19  cards
Multiplication Table of 20
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20  cards
Multiplication Table of 21
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
21  cards
Multiplication Table of 22
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
22  cards
Multiplication Table of 23
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
23  cards
Multiplication Table of 24
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
24  cards
Multiplication Table of 25
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
25  cards

Boost math scores, guaranteed.

Our smart flashcards are a powerful complement to your studies. Try it for FREE and see for yourself or upgrade to Pro for full access. Not satisfied? We'll give you your money back.

The smartest study system.

Brainscape's adaptive, web & mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

Easy to add your own flashcards.

Easily collaborate with friends and sync your flashcards to the Brainscape mobile app.

Free to start or $8/mo for full access.

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