Geology Flashcards

Tags: Geology, Geology, Science

Learning Geology can be fun given the right study tools. With our smart online flashcards, you can study with friends anytime & anywhere!

Top Geology Flashcards Ranked by Quality

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About Geology on Brainscape

What Is Geology?

Geology is the study of the earth's liquid and solid particles -- and the processes that forms them. As such, Geologists or Earth Scientists study the shape and history of the earth. The earth is one of the most complex structures to study, not only simply due to its vast formation but also because it has been changing since its creation.

Investigations about the earth and universe have been subjects of contentious debate. Many philosophers earlier referred to the earth as a non-living thing. However, that debate has long since been put to bed when the simple logic of 'whatever supports life is a living thing' was accepted. Thus, the study of geology shows how the earth breathes with billions of tiny soil pores.

Careers in Geology

It's easier to prepare your mind for studying geology later by taking geography, physics, biology, and chemistry in high school. To become a geologist, you’ll need to earn both a graduate and postgraduate degree. Upon graduation, geology majors can consider the following professional roles:


Engineering geologist

Petrol geologist

Marine geologist


Geologists work in many settings; they might work in offices, laboratories, classrooms or spend part of their time conducting field work research. Likely employers include government agencies, natural resource companies, and universities.

You can find out more information about studying geology at The Geological Society of America or The American Institute of Geologists. To find out a little more about geology in general then check out A Brief History of Geological Time by PBS Eons.

Learning Geology

Mastering geology is no easy task! Students will need to comprehend and memorize a large compendium of information. Geology encompasses a number of disciplines, so students must integrate concepts from mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics and apply them to earth science studies.

There are many pages within Brainscape that Geology students will also find useful such as geophysics, tectonics, stratigraphy, meteorology, mineralogy, hydrology,  geochemistry, and mineralogy.

Brainscape is the ideal study aid to help you tackle the difficult concepts associated with geology -- and remember the vast amounts of complex terminology and information involved.  

Geology in Brainscape

At Brainscape, we’re all about learning. Learners can explore flashcards in Brainscape for free, forever. There are thousands of geology flashcards prepared by top academic experts as well as like-minded students to choose from.  

You can also use the Brainscape software to create your own flashcards. It’s up to you if you’d like to become part of our growing number of valued contributors or whether to keep your flashcards just for your own personal use.  

If you’re preparing for college and you want to ace your AP exams, then we have loads of subjects covered such as physics, chemistry and math that will help to boost your admission scores.

Learn faster with Brainscape

You have a difficult task ahead, so equipping yourself with the very best tools is what smart people do. Millions of learners are doing just that -- and learning with Brainscape.

Brainscape’s is revolutionizing the way people learn with its remarkable system known as Confidence-Based Repetition (or CBR). Using Brainscape means you’ll actually learn twice as fast AND remember longer.

The CBR system uses three scientifically proven learning methods: active recall, spaced repetition, and metacognition. This fusion makes CBR the most powerful learning engine available on the market today. Not only does Brainscape produce outstanding results, but it also focuses its content on a broad spectrum with its interactive learning compendium even covering post-doctoral studies.

The first learning method applied in the CBR system is active recall. It’s this process that learners use to retrieve answers. In many other computer-aided learning tools the answers are displayed in patterns; you end up 'learning' by recognizing. In real-life, however, the answers won’t be in those patterns, so for the most part these methods are useless. In Brainscape learners retrieve answers and lay strong neural pathways. Next time you need the answer, your neurons make retrieval easier!

You’ll also see the spaced repetition optimized in the Brainscape flashcard format. Spaced repetition has been a key aspect of learning for nearly a century as it is proven that learners find it easy to digest and retain small pieces of information presented in spaced intervals.

It’s the third learning method of metacognition, however, that makes Brainscape unique. In the seamless user delivery, after reviewing each flashcard, learners leave a metacognitive rating of 1-5 on documenting their understanding of the answer.

If you leave a rating of “5,” the algorithm knows to not show that card again for some time. Consequently, this method frees up your time to focus on the cards that you rated lower and you improve in your weaker areas super fast.

With traditional learning methods and other computer-aided learning tools, you always waste time. With Brainscape you never do. The Brainscape system is also favored by top academics and doctors, so get started today!

How to get started

Ready to get started making Brainscape part of your study schedule?

Loads of learners love the idea of Brainscape but have accepted understanding their own course notes ‘OK' or 'well enough.' If that’s the case, then take the time to implement your notes into the Brainscape flashcards. Taking the time to do so will improve your memory trace and you’ll have your own personal learning catalog to use forever -- that you can use to learn twice as fast.

Alternatively, just dig in to the ready prepared flashcards from other like-minded learners. There’s everything from Plate Tectonics to Mass Extinctions to choose from. You’ll soon see how fun and effective it is to learn with Brainscape.

Brainscape is passionate about learning and wishes you the very best in your Geology studies and beyond!