Chemistry Flashcards

Tags: Chemistry, Science

Think it's hard to learn Chemistry? Think again! Study for your next chemistry quiz with online flashcards.

Top Chemistry Flashcards Ranked by Quality

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About Chemistry on Brainscape

What is Chemistry?

Many people think about vials, beakers, solutions, or acids and bases when they hear the word chemistry. Some people think about mad scientists... with smoking glass cylinders containing colorful boiling liquids. Others might associate chemistry with molecules and chemical equations.

Mentioned above are typical views about chemistry. But by simple definition, Chemistry is the study of anything that occupies space. It is the study of matter and its various properties, as well as their structure, composition, and transformation –  including why or how two elements combine or separate to create new ones. In fact, every material that exists around us is made up of matter. Everything we do, from being born, to cooking food, and to launching spaceships, chemistry is there. Chemistry assists us to describe and explain the world we live in.

Understanding the foundational concept of chemistry is important for nearly all of the existing sciences. Its scope lies between biology and physics as it provides foundation in understanding both disciplines at many levels. Chemistry is also interconnected to a network of many scientific specialities including geology, botany, ecology, pharmacology, astrophysics, as well as forensics and other physical sciences.

Careers in Chemistry

As a chemistry graduate, your career options are almost as abundant and diverse as the molecules inhabiting the entire universe. Some of the jobs you can get with a chemistry degree includes Analytical Chemist, Forensic scientist, Nanotechnologist, Chemical engineer, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist, and Research scientist.

Learning Chemistry

In general, the first step to learning chemistry (and pretty much in learning about anything) is to set an adequate amount of time to study.

Because Chemistry is a logical study of science, learning all about it is not as easy as A, B, C or 1, 2, 3. Nearly all chemistry classes in college require students to know basic math. For instance, if you need to find a reaction’s equilibrium constant, you’ll need knowledge of basic algebra to compute exponential numbers or to divide fractions. If you're asked to find the pH with only given information on the concentration of hydrogen ions, you'll need to know logarithms.

And like any other science-related subjects, you'll also need memorization skills and a considerable amount of self-discipline to learn effectively. When examination days are near, you don’t want to confuse amides or amines and amides.

Chemistry graduates also recommend the use supplementary tools such as periodic table brochures, online video lessons, study pamphlets, as well as memory aids in the form of flashcards to lock important information in long-term memory.

Brainscape is one of the most beneficial supplementary tools designed to make your study of chemistry much easier. You can use Brainscape to help you memorize the definition of terms, facts, chemical structures, reactions, equations, and other essential concepts related to chemistry.

Chemistry in Brainscape

In Brainscape, you will find various classes, decks, and study cards for chemistry - starting with the most common classes below. These include classes that are made by other users and publishers around the world, as well as classes created by top experts – the "Brainscape certified classes" to help improve your understanding of MCAT or Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry knowledge.

We also scoured final exams from hundreds of chemistry classes, along with materials provided by chemistry book publishers to form our Certified Chemistry 101 Class, ensuring that we have everything covered from basic knowledge to every concept including stoichiometry and kinetics.

To top it all, one of the most significant benefits that Brainscape offers is that with our platform, you can create your own set of flashcards! Studies show that building your own smart flash cards will be yet another strategy to learn chemistry faster as well as other related subjects.

Learn Faster in Brainscape

Brainscape offers the unique application of a study algorithm that utilizes good cognitive science called Confidence-Based Repetition (CBR). CBR optimizes learning through the process of 'spaced repetition.' It means that it allocates appropriate study time in order to maximize your brain's capacity.

Each time you answer a study flashcard, Brainscape assesses your confidence in how well you knew your answer. It is measured on a scale of 1-5. The system then determines how frequent the card will appear (with 1s coming up repeatedly and 5s hardly ever until you give a report of a higher rating).

Aside from Confidence-Based Repetition (CBR), the platform makes use of other cognitive science learning techniques – Metacognition and Active Recall.

Metacognition requires you to reflect how deeply you understand the concept. Studies show that this process aids in memory trace (also known as an engram), which is the actual method of storing memories.

Active Recall, on the other hand, is a principle of efficient learning, which involves "actively" retrieving the right answer from the memories, in contrast with passively "identifying" the correct answer amongst a series of multiple choice options. This active retrieval effort boosts neuronal connections. It is, in fact, the most efficient technique in consolidating long-term memory.

What are you waiting for? Start studying with Brainscape today!

How to Get Started

To begin using the most powerful study platform in the form of Brainscape, try browsing some of the chemistry classes identified on this page. You may also browse further into any of the classes prioritized for chemistry below to appreciate how the anatomy classes are structured into decks. Continue checking each class to see if they may be able to assist you with what you are looking to learn.  Once you have identified classes that may fit your needs, start using those flashcards!

Brainscape wishes you luck in studying chemistry and other subjects you may be facing.

Of course, have fun!