American Government 101

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Whether you have your heart set on a career in politics or just want to discuss current affairs with greater authority at your next get-together, Brainscape’s collection of American Government 101 flashcards will help you easily and efficiently learn and memorize key facts taken from a typical college American Government and Politics curriculum.

The best study app to master American Government 101

If you want or need to be fluent in the theory and principles at the heart of American Government, this fun, easy-to-use collection of flashcards covers the fundamentals you need to know, helping you study more efficiently in the process.

There’s a ton of information to come to grips with in American Government 101 and so the team here at Brainscape has distilled the curriculum down into 600+ flashcards that will drill your brain on the facts you need in order to know your government!

From the constitution that governs the United States and its political parties to the presidency, bureaucracy, judiciary, civil rights, and more, Brainscape’s U.S. Government 101 flashcards will bring you up to speed on what you need to know to be in the know.

And you can use these essentials to aid your career in politics, law, social or environmental policy, etc., or just to better inform yourself the next time you take to the polls (or take on your annoying know-it-all brother-in-law at the next family barbecue), Brainscape’s flashcards are an effective study tool to get you up to speed on American Government 101!

Brainscape helps you learn faster and remember for longer

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of American Government content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

Created by a team of top experts and tested by students, this course:

  • Contains 600+ cards across 18 decks.
  • Offers an efficient review of the most important US History facts and concepts at your fingertips.
  • Helps you learn the context and significance of critical historical events.
  • Targets those issues tested most frequently on prior exams.
  • Uses a special learning algorithm that leverages the latest in cognitive science techniques to ensure that you learn faster and remember for longer.
  • Adjusts according to your unique strengths and weaknesses, so that you can focus on the facts that you struggle with and save time repeating those you’re already confident in.

The votes are in! Grab this subject and become an American Government expert!

Decks in this class (18)

Foundations of the U.S. Government
Beginning with Greco-Roman principles of democracy through the Articles of Confederation system, this deck examines the underpinnings of the American political system.
27  cards
The Constitution
This deck covers America’s most important governing document, the Constitution. Important concepts such as the separation of powers, checks and balances, and the Constitution’s structure are examined.
47  cards
The constitutional division of powers between federal and state governments is a hallmark of the American political system. Study how the federalist system developed, the varying types of federalism, and how federalism operates today.
26  cards
Public Opinion
Study the factors that shape public opinion and how those factors influence political decision-making and outcomes.
18  cards
Political Participation
Learn the principles underlying political participation and how those principles affect political behavior.
24  cards
Political Parties
Some of the most important institutions in the American political system are political parties. This deck examines the history, nature, and function of political parties in the U.S. political system.
32  cards
Campaigns and Elections
The Constitution instituted elections as a regular function of the American political system. Important concepts such as voting rights, political campaigns, primaries, and balloting are covered in this deck.
36  cards
Interest Groups
Interest groups play an ever increasing role in the American political landscape. This deck examines what interest groups are, what they do, and how they influence political decision-making.
25  cards
The Media
Discover how the mass media evolved and developed into a powerful linkage institution connecting the citizenry to the government.
37  cards
From fewer than 75 members in 1789, the U.S. Congress has grown to 435 members today. This deck examines Congress’ constitutional role, how legislation is enacted, and Congress’ organizational structure.
53  cards
The Presidency
The role of the President in the American political system has grown exponentially since the days of George Washington. This deck describes the powers and privileges of the Presidency, its Constitutional underpinnings, and the role the President plays in the American political system.
38  cards
The Bureaucracy
Pundits have said that “the bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the bureaucracy.” This deck describes the growth, function, and role played by the bureaucracy.
51  cards
The Judiciary
The American judiciary operates as a dual court system. Learn about how the judiciary is structured, how it works, and its decision-making powers.
39  cards
Civil Rights
Each American is granted fundamental civil rights under the Constitution. This deck examines these rights, the Constitutional guarantees, and the Supreme Court cases that have shaped the modern understanding of civil rights.
21  cards
Civil Liberties
This deck traces judicial interpretations of American civil liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the rights of minority groups and women, and the effect of those decisions on the American people.
55  cards
Domestic and Economic Policy
Increasingly, Americans have looked to the federal government to lead the way on domestic and economic policy. This deck reviews the fundamental domestic and economic concerns of the federal government and how government policies are transformed into action.
62  cards
Foreign and Military Policy
As the world’s sole remaining superpower, the United States plays a unique role on the global stage. This deck examines how the federal government has translated foreign policy challenges into concrete decisions and actions overseas.
33  cards
U.S. Presidents
Test your ability to identify all of the United States Presidents.
86  cards

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